
Items tagged with: webcomic

Do you like short comics? Here are a handful I've made over the years. They're all very silly.

- An octopus puppet show
- Lost at sea with alien crustaceans
- Kids stealing stuff, an autobio
- A haunted highway
- A roguish rogue
and more

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On this week's page of BICYCLE BOY, familiar faces, familiar places
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Two separate comic panels, environmental shots of a young Isaac handing out aid to the rebels hiding in escape tunnels from the Senator's pre-apocalyptic annexation zone. Text reads "New page of Bicycle Boy, page 519."
New Ultraviolents page is up! Who's this fuzzy lil dude?

🔞 Read for free:
🔪 Early updates and support:

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Comic update banner. A drawing of someone sitting in a couch in a large room.
It's not looking good in Æthernaut. More at
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A wordless comic page, with three panels, all full page height. Panel 1: a worm's eye view from the end of the foremast, where Lemuel and Denumar are tied by the wrists. The ship above is torn apart by an explosion. The unfurled sail above is ripped apart. Panel 2: a wider view showing the foremast has come away from the ship and is falling into space. panel 3: looking over the shoulders of Lemuel and Denumar. Wooden fragments and loose ropes float everywhere. A large metal object plummets down through the wreckage. It is a long narrow cone, point down, with some curved spikes on the sides. It is dangling from a large chain. It trails smoke and flames.
anyways read Alethia it's a very cool # and it goes hard on what it means to be human
Just a reminder 😁 my free # is in its final chapter. Every week one page. Https:// #
My OC Salara from my webcomic
Hello, everyone! We have finally opened our submissions for our comic collective!

We ask you to read our Approval Process, so you know what to expect when we eventually get to all submissions!

We hope to see some wonderful comics in our inbox!

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Banner picture showing the Aradia mascot holding a comic titled "Your Comic", about to shove it into a red mailbox that says "Submissions." Text above them says "we're open for submissions."<br /><br />To their right/our right, there is text and a logo. It says the following:<br /><br />Aradia: A Magical Girls Comic Collective<br /><br />To join the witches and wizards of the funny books, visit our website at and click on "APPLY"!
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Hi! I'm Thattagen, a Black/Chinese manga artist and chemical engineer! I'm currently making a web manga about a monster girl shelter in a post-adventure fantasy world!

Expect to see occasional # and # fanart, as well!

Full webcomic can be found at:

Other socials and NSFW art can be found via:

EDIT: changed intro tag to introduction tag
Manga-style cover page for AD-HOC (Anomaly, Demi-Human, Otherworldly Creature) Shelter, featuring a girl with long blond hair kneeling in a green kimono with red obi. Inky tentacles are emerging from the left sleeve of the kimono, staining the sleeve and the floor.
Page is entirely in black and white. All text is internal monologue.<br />Panel 1: We see Yushiko (a woman with glasses and long black hair) from an uncomfortably high angle, walking through the empty halls and looking unsettled.<br />Yushiko: "Okay... Retrace your steps... Find your badge... Easy."<br /><br />Panel 2: We see the hazmat suit donning area outside Paige's room. One of the small lockers is open.<br />Yushiko: "Not here..."<br /><br />Panel 3: We see the VR room from another high angle. The VR goggles are hanging on a wall, and an empty bowl is labeled "Leave loose items here"<br />Yushiko: "Not in the VR room either..."<br /><br />Panel 4: We see Yushiko from the waist down, with a strange almost-humanoid form trailing her from the shadows.<br />Yushiko: "What the heck? Am I an idiot?"<br /><br />Panel 5: The badge is seen suspended by black shadowy tentacles, which reach in from outside the border of the panel.<br />Yushiko: "Where is it?" (the text box is tilted)
A blond haired girl with a red streak of hair facing the viewer while stepping forward in a combat-ready pose. She has scaly wings, reptilian legs and a tail. She is wearing a stylized blindfold-mask with an orange gem in the center. She is also wearing a green and brown magical girl-style coat and skirt, accented by belts and ribbons. She is holding her red and white walking cane like a spear. Sharpened stones are formed into a blade at the end of the cane. She is on a simplified gray background.
A genderbent Chai from Hi-Hi Rush jumps into the air and plays a power chord on a red and white "Flying V" guitar. Chai has a big grin, and her tongue is sticking out between her teeth. She is in her outfit from the game: a red scarf, short yellow jacket, pink shirt with lightning bolt design, jeans, gray and red sneakers, and chunky robot arm. She is over a background of audience silhouettes with arms raised and crossed spotlights. The audience is chanting Chai's name.

Content warning: Fantasy Violence

Happy Valentine's Day! I now I haven't spoken about it in a while on here but a new episode of Line by Line is up on Canvas!

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Pink haired anime girl with a closed eye smile. Promotion for a new episode of a comic on Webtoon Canvas.
Welcome to #, the # # discussion hashtag. Our topic this week is "promotion." We have five questions over five days.

Question 1: "How do your readers know when you update your webcomic?"

Please include the hashtag # and boost the prompt to invite more creators into the discussion. You can answer these prompts whenever you see them, even weeks after they are posted. We'll boost your responses.

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WebcomicTalk Question 1: "How do your readers know when you update your webcomic?"" title="# Question 1: "How do your readers know when you update your webcomic?"">
Howdy mastonauts,
My webcomic BICYCLE BOY is in the middle of a 1-month hiatus, so I am hosting a tiny ⭐fanworks contest⭐ for anyone interested. Anything you consider art counts. There are two weeks left to enter, until the comic begins updating again!

More on rules, info, & prizes here:

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Chibi Poet draws a crude depiction of himself in the sand with a stick while chibi Machk watches. Chibi Machk suggests the self portrait "Needs more muscle."
Would you like to force the RS creators to bundle up and face the lines at the post office? SURE YOU WOULD!

Get your hands on the book and various other goodies by visiting our shops linked below!

☕ Ko-fi:
🤘 Bandcamp:

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Photo of a metal pin bearing the Rising Sand broken sun logo.
Photo closeup of an interior page of Rising Sand Volume One.
Photo of the cover of Rising Sand Volume One.
Just need a few more minutes. Almost on my way to for some #

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woman with peacock
Happy Sunday!

Help us rediscover our erstwhile Twitter readership—and they to rediscover us—by sharing RS! Let's strengthen the Masto webcomic community!


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A promotional image for Rising Sand, depicting Dal sitting sadly on a cliff.
RS042, wherein Lyale is sick of Sorril's shit.
RS058, wherein Sorril's dialog becomes a Choose Your Own Adventure™.
RS163, wherein Lyale has mail.
I first mentioned the Munjo all the way back on page 1x12. It only took six years!

The comic:
The book (November discount!):
Previews, behind the scenes and more:

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In which Brock expends all of Devi's Strength in one move and must now make their way back down to safety, while Malthus is being a giant dick about everything

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Malthus gives us his best villain laugh while comparing the racing exorcists to cockroaches. Just bein' a giant dick, you know?
#: Alethia by @sskessa


Abandoned by their creators, scattered groups of robots search for purpose in the factory-cities of their desolate world. What new ways of being might such creatures create?

Explore the lives and relationships of various robotic societies. Each one asks pointed questions about life, what drives us, and the meaning we draw out of a world that has no simple answers.

Gorgeous, clever, and emotionally explosive at times.

On this week's page of Bicycle Boy – oh, that's what he looked like.
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Text reads "It's been a long time" betwixt two panels of Poet. On the left, his younger self as Isaac, shivering in the dark with lips painted red by blood. On the right, current-day Poet, dazed and confused in his cyborg body, lounging on a fancy couch as a gloved hand offers him tea.

Content warning: TW / CW: Association of depression (Illustrated Short Story)

The Apex Society #25 Page 18. # # # # # # # # #

A new episode of my podcast dropped. Adam tells me about the Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson, a lengthy hard-scifi series about terraforming Mars.
On this week's page of Bicycle Boy, Poet wakes up...
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Text reads "New page of Bicycle Boy, page 497." Poet wakes from a deep slumber, drooling on a fancy couch.
On this week's page of Bicycle Boy, Poet reunites with someone who knew him very well.
🔴 🔴
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a gloved hand holds Poet's face forcefully. text reads "new page of bicycle boy, page 496"
In our latest page, Simane the Slayer has a plan to block her werewolf transformation. More at
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Panel 1: Simane and Chloe arriving at a hilltop clearing, under a night sky, looking out over Cordova and the water. Simane has a duffel bag, Chloe has a classic little black medical bag.<br />Simane: This'll do nicely.<br />Chloe: Oh yeah. Way better than my nice clean exam room.<br />Panel 2: Simane pulls out a bowl and reaches into her bag for more stuff.<br />Simane: We have to be out here under the moon. Can I have that blood draw?<br />Panel 3: Simane pours water from a thermos into the bowl, and takes a small vial from Chloe.<br />Panel 4: Simane pours the blood into the bowl with one hand, sprinkles in some herbs with the other.<br />Simane: And a few other things to make for a really cozy puppy nest...<br />panel 5: Simane reaches out, Chloe hands her a syringe.<br />Simane: Syringe?<br />panel 6: Simane's eye shows a magic glyph. She touches the syringe with one finger and there is a flash of light.<br />panel 7: Simane fills the syringe from the bowl. The reflection of the moon is drawn in along with the liquid.
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