
Items tagged with: twitchcreative

( °v°)
/ > 67 🔴days of art twitch stream

Heute gibts noch etwas Bunniekingdom Conceptart.
Subbunnies & Shroomoom Comic.
Und ein paar der Legendarium Charactere kriegen noch einige Überarbeitungen °v°


Stream with lots of character creation °v°

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Different sketches of subscriber bunnies who look like from a fantasy novel.<br />One is with colour. It's a bunny who works with ink. So their clothes got inkstained all over the brown dark bluegreen apron and her silver hair. She wears googles and is smiling
After years of wanting to start patreon i finally did it.
It's a start & focuses on digital goods & tiny cards (collectable mini artwork (&) prints)

Instead of waiting until something is perfect, adjust it while you work on it. ☺️🌷

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Day 96

Vorgestern startete eine neue Challenge... und aller Anfang ist schwer. (Merke: Finger weg von zu viel Wald :'D)
Alles mit nem Zeitlimit mit dem Ziel, Anfang July etwas sicherer zu werden.

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