
Items tagged with: ship

Can you see the #?

Here's a super old # I still like a lot! It was inspired by a band called „The Princess and the Pearl,“ (they had a # page!). I think I'm inspired by music a lot subconsciously but this is one of the few times where a particular band had a direct influence on an illustration.

# # # # # # # # # # # #
Detail of an illustration of a sailing ship on a stormy sea with lots of fog in the distance. In front of the ship is a giant foggy ghost.
"I think he said we own THAT one!"

# # # # # # # # #
More work towards ongoing # projects. Here a group of # seem to to have been gifted the documents that prove the own a #, only they might have got a little more than they bargained for.

I don't paint enough flying ships...

(This is the image in my intro toot, & so was a chance to address the lack of alt text for that image too.)
Three armed adventurers in a typical pseudo-medieval port setting seem to be discussing the content of a document being read over by the harbour master and his "heavy". It seems to revolve around a large hovering "flying ship" in the background, other characters (dockside merchants/business folk) in the foreground discuss the scene amongst themselves. The adventurers appear to be an armoured human paladin, a halfling and perhaps a half-orc, all other characters appear human.
Detail of the larger image: Well dressed dock side merchants, one counting out money on a barrel top table.
Detail of the larger image: Our three principle adventurers, a half orc seemingly bewildered by the forthcoming information, a human paladin pointing to the ship whilst talking to, a halfling with their back to us.
Detail of the larger image: a curmudgeonly looking harbour master pours over a set of official documents with a number of seals attached, while their "heavy"/bodyguard looks over their shoulder nosily.
The Apex Society #20 Page 21. # # # # # # # # # # #

And now, part one of a two-part backup story about pirates! Both parts are 7 pages. Part 2 will start at the end of #21. I'm experimenting with what to do with backup stories when it comes to multiple-part storylines, so this might not be the format going forward. Not sure yet.
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