
Items tagged with: ghost

indeed the # team is doing a great job towards the fediverse. We need more projects with their attitude!
Our mission from @pixel_dailies today is to "pixel a #, decorated for Halloween!" Here is my entry, along with some past # that also fit the # mood. Happy spooky season to all who celebrate!

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a pixel art illustration of a doorstep with a jack-o-lantern in front of it and a spiderweb in the corner with a spider hanging off of it, accompanied by pixel art illustrations of a bat (flying mammal), a cartoonish ghost, and a silhouette of a crow sitting on a branch against the moon
The first page of A Ghost In My House. It's about a pair of paranormal investigators and a lonely ghost. You can buy a paper or digital version here: # # # # # # # #
A comic page.<br />Panel 1: "Spectres..." a church spire. Panel 2: Apparitions..." a graveyard. Panel 3: "Are they real?" a little guy in a plaid shirt says: You could say I'm a skeptic" Panel 4: "Or just figments?" A round bald man with a beard says: "I've seen things ya can't explain". Panel 5 a nightvision scene with the first guy shouting: "What was that!" Panel 6: a title image, pine trees and a spooky font reading "Interrogating the Inscrutable".
If just two of my followers buy a hundred thousand copies each of my new comic A Ghost in my House I'll be a millionaire:

Really makes you think.

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Front cover of  A Ghost In My House.  A ghost swoops out of the roof of a house.
My comic A Ghost In My House is now available to buy! Digital or luxurious paper version: # # # # # #

Boost if you can!
The front cover of A Ghost in My House.<br />A Ghost swoops out of the roof of a house and around the title.
A Comic page: A house in the country with a van outside (the van has "interrogating the inscrutable" on its side) a little man says: "Let's set up in here first" to a bigger man in a puffer jacket. The bigger man sets up some equipment. The little man sits on a chair reading some paper: "Let's run through some script". The bigger man holds a little video camera on his shoulder and films the other man: "OK".
A comic page: A ghost screams in frustration: "ARGH" It flies upward struggles through various floors and come up out into the sky above a house in darkness.
The completed pages for my new comic A Ghost In My House. Check out that stack!# # # #
Some comic pages featuring a round ghost and a house.
I’m holding the pages in a stack. You can see some art supplies on my desk including my Tayto ruler.
# Day 16: #

Ms. Dumont raised an eyebrow.
“The suit of armor doesn’t really *go* with the Victorian-haunted-house atmosphere. The owners really are overdoing things. Well, at least I’ll be able to debunk this one quickly.”

From her hiding place, Milly barely suppressed a giggle.
Skeptics were always the most fun

#, #, & # painted on cardboard & scrap paper, then assembled in #.

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Watercolor on cardboard. A well-dressed woman approaches a grand if shabby staircase in a decaying Victorian home. To her right is a suit of armor, with a smiling ghost hiding behind.
# Day 6: #
Remember to Wear Sunscreen!
Everyone needs sun protection!

#, #, & # painted on cardboard from a cereal box. I don't always feature butts in my art, but when I do, I dedicate it @welshpixie :spookybutt:
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Watercolor on cardboard. A ghost sleeps face down on a blue towel on the beach, with small waves in the background. The ghost is developing a serious sunburn.
My last artfight attack of this year! I had so much fun, thank you for all the attacks on my babies!
This is a revenge on AStrangeGhost!

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Art of a cute ghost girl. She has green transparent skin and a ghostie tail, no legs. Her hair is bright blue and shoulder length. She's wearing a big floppy hat with a light ribbon, a white blouse and a green strappy dress. Also wearing a pair of white flower earings and light brown glasses.
Between Antman coming soon and Thunderbolts in production I had Ghost on my mind, so...

Maker and pencil on warm grey tone paper. Replay available at:
(about 2 mins long)

# #
drawing of MCU's Ghost
BakeKujira – 化鯨 –
[Yokai]The vengeful spirit of a skeletal whale that supposedly haunts the coast of shimane prefecture: it’s followed by a parade of strange birds and fish, those that encounter it are doomed…

• Full Info Post:
• Etsy:

Art Stickers by @samkalensky (yo, thats me.) part of my #: night parade of 100 Yokai series, check my shop for 250+ more!

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a skeletal whale flies over the ocean, several mysterious fish and birds swim below as some fishermen futile try to hunt it

Stickers on my website:
Can you see the #?

Here's a super old # I still like a lot! It was inspired by a band called „The Princess and the Pearl,“ (they had a # page!). I think I'm inspired by music a lot subconsciously but this is one of the few times where a particular band had a direct influence on an illustration.

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Detail of an illustration of a sailing ship on a stormy sea with lots of fog in the distance. In front of the ship is a giant foggy ghost.
this little friend is the first hand sketch I'd done in a very long time.
I also scanned it and colored him on my phone, but I honestly don't know if I like how that had turned out.

I've got a place to put him, WAY in the future once I'm working in 3d, so for now he's just floating around in my head 🥰

anyway, here's my little ghostie sketch!

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Rough black and white graphite sketch of a little stylized ghost. The head is very spherical, and  has two giant wet eyes, and a smallish pouting mouth. The body flows away from the head, at the same width, in a lazy curved path. Eventually It peters off into strips and bubbles of ectoplasm.
Which # is most privacy friendly/libre? Naively installed # on my server and noticed googlefonts and gravatar as third parties without me adding them... Is # # or # any better in this regard?
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