
Items tagged with: fediart

Dear #, #, # community of #, I would like to ask your opinion on these two choices of a new brush I want to buy. I presume there MUST be a different to the two. Ideally I'd like to buy them both, but lack of budget atm. I already have a Reubloff Kolinsky and feels too soft. Maybe it's me not being used to brushes, maybe it's kolinsky hair... Hence my question :)
Yesterday the Kickstarter campaign began for TaroQuest, the Tarot-based card game with my illustrations.

Take a look at the funny presentation video and the various rewards (I love the art book) and support the project, thanks!

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Thinking about the tardigrades in Sloth and Manatee taking off in their own space ship this week - Tardigrade Moon Party!

In the print shop:

Weekly Sloth and Manatee comics and more:

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Illustration of tardigrades partying on the moon
„Cosmic Cow“, first # of the new year 🎉

A magic # and it's time-bending #-companion enjoying the night on Harris ^__^

I like # a lot, they're so chill and cool. This was probably inspired by John Maher's night photography of the #:

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Vector drawing in dark greens and blues of a night-scene with a highland cow on a small peninsular. The cow's reflection in the water reflects the milky way in the sky above. There's a crow sittig on the cow's back but in the reflection it is somehow in flight.
😻 Chat alors ! Les commissions artistiques sont de retour !

Il y a désormais 3 modèles personnalisables qui permettent de mettre vos félins préférés dans des affiches vintages, décalées (et gauchistes aussi).

Je vous montre les visuels d'exemple dans la semaine mais vous pouvez déjà les retrouver avec les infos, les tarifs et les commandes sur

Attention, nombre de commissions limité 🙀 !

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Fausse affiche vintage avec un ragondiable (ragondin avec ailes noires, cornes et queue pointue) en train de dessiner une des commissions artistiques que je propose. Celle-ci représente mon chat Puffin avec un air malicieux.
Fausse affiche vintage avec un ragondiable (ragondin avec ailes noires, cornes et queue pointue) en train de dessiner une des commissions artistiques que je propose. Celle-ci représente mon chat Pirate sur un vélo et qui embête un policier.
Fausse affiche vintage avec un ragondiable (ragondin avec ailes noires, cornes et queue pointue) en train de dessiner une des commissions artistiques que je propose. Celle-ci représente mes chats avec des têtes de fripouilles.
Blunder card art WIP!
This is my favorite card art so far! Working on a card game has lots of freedom and I love doing little scenes like this.
Please go check out the new TCG # they have so many great artist working for them and you can see their beautiful art for the cards. They need fans and support!

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # @Curator
A young catgirl slips and falls during sword practice
Absolutely riveting experience.

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A cropped work-in-progress digital drawing of a steam train.
A note.... this morning I had two posts posts removed. The cited reason was that they were AI (LLM, get it right people) generated images and I assume someone reported them. They were not LLM generated, I drew them, by hand, on paper. They WERE LLM coloured, through a tool used by professional designers. I assume whoever did not bother to read the text, what I said, or understand it, just sww a term and fired off. Blind/ignorant censorship is dangerous.

# # @Curator
# Graphite drawing, Analogue sketching and # modelling.

Also have 2 newsletters –

General newsletter (going's on, games etc.): ‪…‬

The Silent newsletter for : ‪

Subscriber 100 to either wins a free print or graphite piece (winner's choice)‬

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3D composite scifi illustration of a submarine like spaceship venting a gas
Ballpoint on A3 sifi scene concept sketches.
A3 graphite fine art semi abstract illustration of a spacecraft over a negative space volume
Concept pen sketches with a orange scifi concept vehicle in the foreground

My first artwork of 2024 🥳

This piece is kind of a critique to myself. I am the kind of person the get discouraged quickly which in turn sends me into a negative space. At the same time I wanted to add some kind of image to resemble hope in being able to get out of that space.

# # # # @Curator
A girl being pulled through hands into the void as she cries for her liberation
Zoom of the same picture
This is Simone, my version of Jenny Orthodoux’s original character.
I hope you like, please remember to share if you appreciated the art, it helps a lot, take care. # # # @Curator
Redhead girl with flower on her hair, View from back, teal pullover
So as I may have mentioned before, and almost certainly will again, you can find my current work on my website until Friday night (UK time).


(Yes, the emojis are there to annoy the link-averse, I won’t be making a habit of it!)

The illustration below has sold but there are plenty more available.


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An ink and watercolour illustration of a stack of books, from bottom to top, yellow, orange, light red, dark red, purple, and violet. On top of this pile is a pink tea cup, ivy hangs down the side of the stack.
I thought it was available on the shop but - due to a bug - the Anti-Productivism Iguana had decided to take another little rest...

This time the linocut with the lazy lizard is finally available to everyone!

A4 print (€18 +shipping ):
Other prints:
Free digital versions:

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Linocut showing an iguana sleeping peacefully on a branch. The scene is surrounded by a rich floral décor in the late 19th century style. A text reads "Going to work? Nah, Iguana rest all day".
Aller bosser ? Nan, je préfère lézarder
(Lino anti-productivisme enfin disponible pour afficher votre Oisiveté radicale !)
Tirages A4 (18€+fdp) :
Version numérisée gratuite :
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linogravure représentant un iguane en train de dormir sur une branche d’arbre. La scène est incluse dans un riche décor victorien avec des motifs floraux. Un texte indique : « Aller bosser ? Je préfère lézarder »
La linogravure précédente (avec la version anglaise par dessus) posée sur un vieux livre de la fin XIXe et entouré d'objets de gravure et de décoration.
originally posted 8/31/22
was actually the final whumptober piece from last year but i am still dearly in love with it.
he's maybe a little clingy but he's allowed

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digital artwork of two characters, one with bat-like ears and the other with dragon legs, laying on top of each other, cuddling underneath a tree. there is dappled sunlight from the tree leaves cast across them.
Been weird not posting every night...
Anyway, here's a little John Harris inspired watercolour. Also feeling a bit Pink Floyd as well
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A watercolour painting of a surreal landscape. A walkway stretches out, high above the clouds, passing between high towers. Stars glitter in the distance
My first attempt of full fantasy anatomy! And greyscale painting that is not my forte for sure.

I'm not 100% fond of the muscles but overall pretty happy with the full result. Done for my degree in Concept Art.

Go crocodoggo, go!

(they... eventually would need a name, open to suggestions!)

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A composite image of the croccodogo, it shows the natural aspect of the creature, the muscle system and bone system, as much as some silhouettes.
It's ya neighborhood Black, queer, disabled photographer Rayne! Did you know if 60 people bought one of my $10 wallpaper bundles from ko-fi per month, I could afford a bunch of basic necessities like food & transit? If folks bought prints of my work, they get my best art & help a multiply marginalized artist survive capitalism!

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An asymmetrical, triangle based, 4 photo collage. From top center, clockwise, a purple african daisy, a cluster of white flowers on a tree branch in sepia, a soft pink magnolia, a tiny and brilliantly blue creeping speedwell
A four photo collage. From the top left, clockwise, a small cluster of shiny scarlet berries dripping with dew, a persimmon orange cluster of flowers, shining hexagons of ice and snow, a white african daisy poking out from behind out of focus purple daisies in the foreground
I WILL DRAW YOU ANYTHING! (within reason)
I am mainly a character artist though.

Prices is outlined in the image but you can ask for more specific things in DMs.
I also do 3D models.
PLEASE HELP OUT BY RETWEETING (I'm actually desperate).
# # # # # # # # # # @Curator
Commissions prices outlined in the sketch Bust sketch: 10$, torso+5$ fullbody +15$, cleanup +15$ color +10$ shading +25$
Started this in spring for the 20 years of # (1.3) # # # but then moneywork happened. So what better time to post it now on Inkscape's actual birthday, Nov. 6!

Definitely inspired by # ^__^

I think I like the version without the person better, what do you think?

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Vector drawing of a room in the evening. There's a desk placed in front of an open window with a laptop running Inkscape  on it. Outside the window (a black cat on the windowsill) is a fantastic landscape with Godzilla, ghosts, a castle, a dragon, a flying bus, crystals etc.
Full version of the same drawing showing more of the room, on the left there's an original Playstation running Diablo on an old TV. On the right an old-school cassette player/radio and a bedside cupboard. Lots of books, manga and magazines are strewn all over the room.
Another version of the illustration with a person sitting in the chair, eyes closed in thought, flipping a pencil. They have green-blue hair and brown skin, wearing a hoodie and short pants.
This is my last piece at the art school. I can't go for a while and I have the feeling I am improving better alone. So I quit. Tbh I've been doing a lot of those still life and it got boring. I am not entirely sure where I'll go artistically now, I just know I want to paint. I'll miss my classmates and the ambiance but staying in a place where it doesn't feel right is not for me. # # #
Oil painting of a still life in dark tones.
Should I make this cave ice or fire?
# # # # # # (hands are coming)
Black and white drawing of a mage character in a cave surrounded by stalagmites and stalactites
A walrus painted on watercolor. BTW, I've noticed that engagement on the fediverse is way down than it was 2-3 months ago. I do hope people return. Personally, I use almost nothing but the fediverse services now: PixelFed, Mastodon, Lemmy. The chronological feed, and finding new users to follow via hashtags, is the only thing that makes sense to me. These recommendation engines on the big social media is a total # of usability. You can never be found there, if the algorithm doesn't like you for any reason.

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Portrait of a walrus
newer older