
Items tagged with: China

Stamps from China featuring fruit. These are super nice because the image is slightly raised on the stamp. I love the melon but I'm not familiar with the fruit on the left! # # # #
Two Chinese stamps of fruit on a postcard. One is a red berry, the other a green watermelon with a slice in front.
Guten Morgen # !
Dieses Foto für den # ist in # entstanden. Ich habe es nur etwas gecroppt, der Urheber dieses Sees der Stille ist mein Sohn. Er war da 13 und ich bin nach wie vor beeindruckt, wie stimmungsvoll das Bild ist!
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Die seitliche Ansicht einer sanft geschwungenen steinernen Fußgängerbrücke mit 17 Bogen. Die Brücke teilt das Bild in zwei Hälften. Oberhalb ist der verschleierte Himmel, unterhalb das ruhige Wasser des Sees. Auf der Brücke sind viele kleine Menschen zu erahnen.

China's Chang'e 5 lands on the moon to collect the 1st fresh lunar samples in decades | Space

China's Chang'e 5 lands on the moon to collect the 1st fresh lunar samples in decades

By Mike Wall a day ago

Chang'e 5 is the first lunar sample-return mission since 1976.

China has landed on the moon again — and this time the country plans to bring home some souvenirs.

Chang'e 5, China's first-ever sample-return mission, successfully touched down today (Dec. 1) in the moon's Ocean of Storms region, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) said in a statement. The state-run CGTN news channel initially announced the landing success.

Chang'e 5 touched down on the moon at 10:11 a.m. EST (1511GMT, 11:11 p.m. Beijing Time) near Mons Rümker, a mountain in the Ocean of Storms (or Oceanus Procellarum), CNSA officials said. The probe deployed its solar array and antenna soon after to begin its work on the moon.

Two pieces of the four-module, 18,100-lb. (8,200 kilograms) Chang'e 5 mission hit the gray dirt today — a stationary lander and an ascent vehicle. If all goes according to plan, the lander will spend the next few days collecting about 4.4 lbs. (2 kg) of lunar material, some of it dug from up to 6.5 feet (2 meters) beneath the lunar surface.
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China's Chang'e 5 lands on the moon to collect the 1st fresh lunar samples in decades | Space

China's Chang'e 5 lands on the moon to collect the 1st fresh lunar samples in decades

By Mike Wall a day ago

Chang'e 5 is the first lunar sample-return mission since 1976.

China has landed on the moon again — and this time the country plans to bring home some souvenirs.

Chang'e 5, China's first-ever sample-return mission, successfully touched down today (Dec. 1) in the moon's Ocean of Storms region, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) said in a statement. The state-run CGTN news channel initially announced the landing success.

Chang'e 5 touched down on the moon at 10:11 a.m. EST (1511GMT, 11:11 p.m. Beijing Time) near Mons Rümker, a mountain in the Ocean of Storms (or Oceanus Procellarum), CNSA officials said. The probe deployed its solar array and antenna soon after to begin its work on the moon.

Two pieces of the four-module, 18,100-lb. (8,200 kilograms) Chang'e 5 mission hit the gray dirt today — a stationary lander and an ascent vehicle. If all goes according to plan, the lander will spend the next few days collecting about 4.4 lbs. (2 kg) of lunar material, some of it dug from up to 6.5 feet (2 meters) beneath the lunar surface.
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