Which # is most privacy friendly/libre? Naively installed # on my server and noticed googlefonts and gravatar as third parties without me adding them... Is # # or # any better in this regard?
Do you have to use dynamic site generation?
Even if it is a blog with multiple authors, you can use static site generator such as Hugo, Jekyll and (my favourite) Pelican. Pelican also generates Atom/RSS feed for entire blog or for each tag.

I use slightly modified blueidea theme in my blog and you can see it at
My configuration, theme and content is available at
arbocenc mastodon (AP)
# don't use, by default, # or # I think it has a more transparent and FLOSS orientation: where on # you need some private modules, on drupal modules are released with a # license with a public issue page, etc.

But you should think if a dynamic website, like drupal with # is over skilled or not for you...
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